The bash witnessed crème-de-la-crème crowd comprising Rakhi Sawant, Vindu Dara Singh, Rashami Desai, Karanveer Bohra, Pankaj Soni, Dilip Sen, Devoleena Bhattacharya, Jaan Kumar Sanu, DJ Sheizwood, Vikas Gupta, Chesta Bhagat, Yash Wadali, Longines Fernandes, many more.
The venue was buzzing with glitterati from Bollywood, Television, Fashion with delicious food and grooving music. Well-wishers from the industry dropped by to bring in Manik Soni’s birthday.
Owing to the COVID situation, kudos to the team for acing the safety measures and adhering to all the precautions issued by WHO from social distancing, using masks, sanitizing, each and every guest was personally attended.
The star of the night Manik Soni said, “Birthdays are always special. The day becomes further special when you spend the day with your friends and family”
It was a super hit evening